Saturday, February 26, 2011

What I've Learned

I just read a great article, make that two great articles. The first was a Nate Green interview of Chris Jones of Esquire magazine. The second was a Chris Jones interview of George Clooney. Wait a minute, I also read an Eric Cressey article and a Mark Rippetoe tirade. I almost forgot the last two, but looking back at Nate's and seeing the "What I've Learned" format that he used in honor of Chris, I remembered Eric's "What I've Learned in 2010." How's that for a mouth full?

And, are you wondering what I learned?

From Rip:

When you go on a diet and training regimen to gain weight/mass rapidly, there is always some body fat gained. Rip puts this number at 35% to 40% for a 40 lb. gain over 4-5 months.

From Eric:

There is so much that I don't know and/or understand. And I need to remember that there is only so much that I can do. So, stick to my field and keep learning.

From Nate:

Chris Jones is an interesting guy and writes a great interview. I interview people. A lot. Maybe I should start writing about some of the more interesting things.

From Chris:

George Clooney is a very interesting guy. We have more in common than hair color, as my wife pointed out as we watched "The American" last week. The family stories from a young age, and we have both "chopped tobacco." Ha!! Who would have figured?

Give these four a read!!

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